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Tap Out and Big Country- A Match Made in Heaven!

By Tap Out, 10/11/10, 3:24PM HKT


Read about Tap Out's story of first meeting Chad.....

Flashback to Jakarta 2008!!!!!!!


It was Jakarta 2008 and the Turkey’s were in normal Turkey form having won the Presidents Cup…But there was business to be settled still.


The drama had started 3 days earlier as Chad and I sat on the runway in Hong Kong waiting for take off. Chad mouthed off to the flight attendants that I was fat and to only give me diet cokes and when that joke got old Chad found another innocent flight attendant and explained to her that I needed a seat belt extender. As the girl sheepishly approached me with the extender I decided enough was enough and it was time to challenge Chad to a fat man race. Over the days that followed the terms of the race and the bet were hashed out as the ever confident Chad became more and more confident in his victory.


Three days and many softball games later trophies in hand, and no less than a dozen Margarita’s in our bellies it was time for the race.


Chad was swiftly defeated in the race. You Tube attached for those who do not believe, but sadly the victory was over shadowed but what followed.


Being a fat man I fell to the ground in exhaustion (after all I had run close to 50 Yards) Chad like wise fell to the ground but quickly recovered. As he came over to “congratulate me” he instead decided a body slam was more appropriate. The earth shook and the end result was a broken rib for “Tap Out”. As I whined and complained the rest of the night Chad was kind enough to by me many shots of Jager to make me feel better.


Chad… You were a great friend and I thank God every day for having blessed me with the opportunity to know you!!!